Air Coolers
Liquid/gas cooler, air cooler, high finned tubes
For a propane & butane dehydration package in Ras Laffan
Our customer designs and supplies these units and this requires a number of air coolers. These provide the necessary cooling and proper operation of the unit.
Our customer designs and supplies these units and this requires a number of air coolers. These provide the necessary cooling and proper operation of the unit.
The cooling is done by means of Air Coolers. The product is cooled using outside air. To increase the surface, fins have been applied to the tubes. The customer had a number of very extensive specifications which Robox has implemented in the designs.
It concerns Air Coolers. Multi-pass high finned (aluminum fins) bundles with removable bonnet type headers and cover plate headers, type BHFB and CHFC in stainless steel and C-steel according to ASME VIII Div.1 and customer specifications.